fiddle: n.1.〔口语〕提琴,提琴类乐器。2.【航海】防食器滚落的餐具框、栏。3.欺骗行为。短语和例子as fit as a fiddle [flea] 神采奕奕。 hang up the fiddle 隐退;住手不干。 hang up one's fiddle when one comes home 在外谈笑兴致高,回家闷头睡懒觉。 have a face as long as
While the country ' s leader was away cruising on his yacht there was a military take - over of the government ? a typical case of fiddling while rome burns 正当这个国家的领导人乘着游艇巡游之时,军方接管了政府一个大难临头,依然歌舞升平的典型事例。